Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Stock Analysis-101

Stock Analysis-101

posted on Jun 26, 2008 04:53PM

Might want to take a look at xau.v ......

They have a lot of property in Nevada and two JV's going now with Fronteer FRG and AEM that are right next to each other. AEM has earned a 51% inerest in its West-Pequop project and has agreed to carry AUEX to Feasibility and earn another 19%....thus leaving AUEX with a 30% interest in the project.

Fronteer is the partner on the Long Canyon project next door and should earn a 51% interest later this year by completing $5 million in exploration drilling later this year. At that time they may elect to earn an additional 14% by carriying AUEX to feasibility.

AUEX also has an agreement with AEM to explore projects in Argentina.

Yesterday they released a four property exploration deal with Eldorado Gold...To earn a 51% interest in all four properties Elodorado must spend $11 Million in a five year period.

There are only about 28 million shares Fully Diluted now and the stock is very lightly traded. With the JV approach to development at the present time dilution of the stock should not be a problem in the near future.

I look at this as a chance that AEM and/or Fronteer might decide that with the continued success they are having they might just want to take out AUEX early and add all of the projects in progress to their own inventory. With a Market Cap of only about $ 60 Million this would be a slam dunk for AEM...just a couple of million shares!!

All is just IMHO.....price around $ 2 should stay there through the summer.....but I'm looking for better volume and prices towards the end of the year when the drill results for this year strat coming in....

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