Banro - From Gold Explorer to Mine Developer

Banro Gold: Proven and Probable Reserves Increase to 4.52 Million Ounces at Twangiza

Message: E-mail From Martin Jones

E-mail From Martin Jones

posted on Jan 09, 2008 02:07AM

I appreciate that the Company has not issued any recent updates, however we have made considerable progress. Over the next two to three months, Banro will be issuing updates on the progress that has been and continues to be made at our gold projects in the DRC. We have said publicly that the Company is targeting year-end 2010/early 2011 as the date for bringing our first two mines – Twangiza and Namoya – into production.

You will appreciate that we cannot comment on any ongoing discussions which the Company might be having with major gold producers.


Martin Jones

Vice President, Corporate Development

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