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Potentially important discoveries have been made at the Frank Creek (VMS/Gold), Kangaroo (Gold), Black Bear (Gold/Silver) and Tasse projects (Positive Diamond Indicators).

Message: A (small) step to diamonds! (News Release)

Barker Identifies Widespread Kimberlite Indicator Minerals on its Tasse Diamond

On Tuesday February 8, 2011, 1:25 pm

Prince George, British Columbia CANADA, February 08, 2011 /FSC/ - Barker Minerals Ltd. (BML - TSX Venture), reports that a heavy mineral stream sediment program completed on its Tasse Diamond project has identified widespread kimberlite indicator minerals indicating the presence of multiple kimberlite sources on the Property. The 100% owned project is located 180 km south of Prince George and 84 km northeast of Williams Lake, in the Cariboo region of British Columbia. (Tasse Property Map: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/tasse_property_map.jpg) The project has excellent access and infrastructure nearby. (Excellent Access and Infrastucture: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/tasse_access_infra.jpg)

Of the seven heavy mineral samples analyzed, all seven contained multiple types of kimberlite indicator minerals including one or more of: Pyrope Peridotite garnet (1); Eclogitic garnets (11); Chromites (56); Orthopyroxenes (126); Clinopyroxenes (Chrome Diopsides) (312); Olivines (154) with lessor Ilmenites (2010 Sediment Sample Locations: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/tasse_samples_mag.jpg)

A circular magnetic high is coincident with a hill near two sample locations (#6 and #7) which covers 15 sq kms and is believed to be a part of a volcanic vent complex. Vesicular breccia associated with the vent (hill) contains abundant large clasts and xenoliths of coarse granular olivine, pyroxene and garnet, and is considered to be mantle peridotite. The hill is believed to be associated with a lamproite or kimberlite diatreme and the xenoliths of mantle rock in the breccia could possibly contain diamonds. (Tasse Diatreme 1: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/tasse_diatreme01.jpg, Tasse Diatreme 2: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/tasse_diatreme02.jpg)

President/CEO, Louis Doyle states: "The discovery of widespread favourable kimberlite indicator minerals amongst a large cluster of circular magnetic highs associated with similar kimberlite indicators in bedrock targets is a significant milestone in the diamond exploration process. With little to no overburden, and many target areas being logged off creating easy access, the Tasse project has extremely attractive and exciting targets for the potential discovery of diamonds, which if successful, could have a profound positive effect on the economy of the region, and the Province as a whole."(Tasse Eclogitic Mantle rock pics: http://www.barkerminerals.com/pdfs/19-Tasse_Eclogitic_Mantle_rock.pdf)(Tasse Mantle Peridotite pics: http://www.barkerminerals.com/pdfs/19-Tasse_Eclogitic_Mantle_rock.pdf)

In 2010 a series of stream sediment samples were collected from the drainages near a number of bedrock pipes and the nearby Diatreme complex. The samples were sieved down and sent to SGS Mineral Services (formerly Lakefield Research) in Ontario where they were analyzed for potential kimberlite and diamond indicator grains which show up after the heavy mineral separation phase.

One composite sample was also sent to Saskatchewan Research Council (SRC) Geo-analytical Laboratories in Saskatchewan for kimberlite indicator analysis which identified a pyrope peridotite garnet as well as other kimberlite indicators including chromites and olivines.

The composite sample was analyzed by SGS Mineral Services and SRC Geo-analytical Laboratories for caustic fusion, a process used to determine the presence of micro diamonds. No micro diamonds were recovered from the caustic fusion process on the one sample analyzed. With two previous glaciations in the region, it is not anticipated that micro diamond analysis will be an effective tool in tracing diamondiferous targets as there would not be sufficient time for the erosion process to concentrate micro diamonds in sufficient quantities to create dispersion trains large enough to follow back to their original source.

However, kimberlite indicator minerals, which are much more abundant than diamonds themselves, are very useful as pathfinders to vector in to potential kimberlites for further evaluation of diamond potential. If diamonds are present in the region, then placer diamond deposits could possibly be found in ancient till covered paleo-channels very close to their original bedrock sources.

Diamond Deposit Models Sought

Most of the samples collected for analysis to date include heavy mineral concentrates which are very similar in nature and include a variety of colored garnets and associated heavy minerals. (Examples of selected grains collected in the current program -- Grains 01: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/20_mesh01.jpg, Grains 02: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/20_mesh02.jpg, Grains 03: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/20_mesh03.jpg, Grains 04: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/20_mesh04.jpg)

As kimberlites and lamproites have different indicators and garnet geochemistry than subduction related diamond environments, all of the above models will be considered in future exploration to achieve a better geological understanding of the area in order to determine which model has the most economic potential.

On April 20, 2009 (April 20, 2009 NR: http://www.barkerminerals.com/s/NewsReleases.asp?ReportID=345135&_Type=Company-News&_Title=Barker-Identifies-Subduction-Zone-Diamond-Potential-on-its-Tasse-Project) Barker announced that kimberlite indicator minerals, which are formed at similar depths in the mantle as diamonds, were identified from four bedrock samples including: bright green clinopyroxenes (chrome diopsides); forsteritic olivine; ilmenites; chromites; yellowish orange to reddish purple eclogitic garnets; and unidentified clear minerals. The identification of eclogitic garnets together with other kimberlite indicator minerals indicates that the Tasse mantle rock has been sampled deep enough in the mantle to tap the diamond stability field, and thus could contain diamonds. Eclogitic material is often a prolific diamond producer such as at the large Argyle world class diamond mine in Australia.(Tasse Kimberlite Indicator pics: http://www.barkerminerals.com/pdfs/17-Tasse_Diamond_Indicator.pdf)

Airborne Magnetic Targets

On November 27, 2009 Barker announced that the Geological Survey of Canada completed a detailed Electromagnetic (EM) and Magnetic Airborne Survey (The Cariboo Lake EM/Mag Survey) over the Tasse Project area. (Nov 27, 2009 NR: http://www.barkerminerals.com/s/NewsReleases.asp?ReportID=374465&_Type=Company-News&_Title=Barker-Minerals-Reports-Successful-Results-from-Natural-Resources-Canada-Mo)

One of the most prominent magnetic features over the survey area is a cluster of fifteen moderate to high strength circular anomalies which appear to be a cluster of mantle pipes. The heavy mineral concentrate samples collected from areas in and around this cluster of anomalies indicate the presence of multiple kimberlites nearby. The heavy mineral sampling results have identified bedrock targets within the cluster of anomalies for follow up programs to determine if economic diamond potential exists on the property. (Tasse Cluster of Airborne Magnetic

Anomalies: http://www.barkerminerals.com/i/tasseimages/tasse_airborne_mag.jpg)

Regional Kimberlite and Lamproite Potential

On August 20, 2010 Barker reported the discovery and staking of circular magnetic features near the Tasse cluster. (Wasko NR August 20, 2010: http://www.barkerminerals.com/s/NewsReleases.asp?ReportID=415350&_Type=Company-News&_Title=Barker-Collects-Initial-Heavy-Mineral-Sediment-Samples-on-its-Wasko-Diamond) (Tasse and Wasko Clusters of Airborne Magnetic Anomalies: http://www.barkerminerals.com/wasko/tasse&wasko1.jpg)

The Wasko anomaly cluster has similar heavy minerals as Tasse which are indicative of deep mantle rock reaching the surface as at the Tasse project area. (Examples of selected heavy mineral grains recently collected from the Wasko 3 Target.(Grains 01: http://www.barkerminerals.com/wasko/wasko_grains01.jpg, Grains 02: http://www.barkerminerals.com/wasko/wasko_grains02.jpg)

One 2010 heavy mineral sample (#9) which was collected approximately 4 km's to the north, upstream from the Tasse Complex, contained multiple kimberlite indicators, including eclogitic garnets, indicating that further potential for kimberlites, lamproites, and potentially diamonds, exist outside the known Tasse and Wasko cluster of circular anomalies.


The identification of a new potential kimberlite field is very exciting and somewhat changes the previous geological understanding of the region. The immediate area of Barker's project areas has had numerous significant magmatic events dating from mid-Devonian and Permian through and until the more recent Holocene time which suggests the region may represent a mantle root environment. It is possible the claim area overlies a tongue from the craton of ancient North America, which is indicated by the presence of a positive Free Air Gravity anomaly, from previous government surveys, which represents deep cratonic basement rocks. (Regional Free Air Gravity Anomaly link: http://www.barkerminerals.com/img/regional_free_air.jpg)

In the Likely-Quesnel Lake region, since the break-up of Pangea (Late Permian) until more recently, various exotic terranes have accreted to the ancient continental margin creating multiple subduction, obduction, rifting, back arc spreading and other associated volcanic and plutonic events. These complex geological environments in other areas of the world are conducive to the formation of major mining districts which host significant resources of base and precious metals, as well as diamonds.

The next phase of exploration is to evaluate the known bedrock targets with mapping and sampling with possible bulk sampling for micro diamond analysis in order to prioritize targets for more detailed follow up programs. Further heavy mineral stream sediment sampling programs should be conducted on a property wide basis in order to identify other targets which may possess potential for the discovery of kimberlites, lamproites and possibly diamonds.

Although results to date are very positive and important, they are early stage findings leaving further follow-up exploration and analysis to determine if diamonds are present on the property, and whether economic potential exists.

The scientific and technical information contained in this news release was prepared under the supervision of Rein Turna, B.Sc., P.Geo. the Company's "qualified person" under National Instrument 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Barker Minerals

Barker Minerals is advancing exploration on its mineral properties in the Cariboo Gold District, one of the most mineralized belts in British Columbia. The Company has more than 20 projects on its exploration properties, all of which are 100% owned by Barker Minerals. Eight projects have drill-ready gold and/or massive sulphide targets.

Certain statements in this press release may be considered forward-looking information, including those relating to "plans" of the Company. Such information involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors -- including the availability of funds, the results of financing and exploration activities, the interpretation of drilling results and other geological data, project cost overruns or unanticipated costs and expenses and other risks identified by the Company in its public securities filings -- that may cause actual events to differ materially from current expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this press release. The Company disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Louis E. Doyle Robert H. Kuhl

Tel: (250) 563-8752 Tel: (604) 321-0709

Fax: (250) 563-8751 Fax: (604) 321-0719

barker@telus.net bmls@shaw.ca

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Source: Barker Minerals Ltd. (BML - TSX-V)

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