trading in Toronto as at 3 x less than 5 UK analysts forecast it's current value at
Not without risk - Blanket mine in Zimbabwe, (with potential projects elsewhere) but certainly worth consideration in any well spread portfolio
Jan 2013 ...we value Caledonia's shares at 292 Canadian cents (188P). at an average gold forecast price of US $1448.00 gold. Even at a gold price of $1350.00 our valuation is still 263c (170p) and at US$1000.00 231c (149p)
CMCL is currently trading at 47p so substantially below even their $1000.00 gold valuation (like a third of), and with production increasing substantially this year too.
The $4m refund will go a long way towards assuaging concerns about Zimbabwes govt.
Their 6% dividend is the highest I've found quoted in the top 30 in the USA