Unable to confirm anything about Kria, Know this much, Cayman's one of the last homes of DIRTY MONEY, just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean people aren't out to get this stock, if BTP gets 15 million shares of NVR (@10%), then NVR and SRU join those shares @3% of Starfield, which I predict at @ 20 cents when somewhat settled, equals .005 cents to BTP/Kria whom still have all other assets. FINE Point, Nevoro shareholders get compensated seperatly for asset known as Moonlight Copper Project.
Thank goodness this enthusiastic amateur has time and money for this transaction which gets more twisted by the PRESS release.
P.S. working overtime at real job to finance this passion, how was my timing today.(3:59and how many seconds)(Upgrade Pending) Bon chance!!!!!
2nd P.S. There are exceptions to every rule, especially now, Move over American Greenback, Chinese Yen gonna be new Top Dog.