Reducing human suffering by detecting cancer earlier with patented technology

BioCurex's RECAF(tm) marker is found in all types of major cancers

Message: Interesting

Sorry Docking Station, didn't mean to jump to conclusions. I started to believe that may be you were Goldseeker since you said he wasn't a paid basher just a person that had lost a good chunk of money on Biocurex. I can't imagine anyone allowing any monetary losses to consume his life the way it has. If he got some type of conpensation for his rants then it would make a little more sense to me. Once again my question is why does he attack anyone that supports this company, if his beef is with Dr. Moro. I actually feel sorry for the guy. By the way, I haven't messed with any illegal drugs since my high school days, I like to think I'm much wiser now.

Kind of surprised it took you so long to respond.

I agree with the rest of the board, Dr. Moro owes us some type of update to help keep us sane.


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