Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: A positive post

I have realized after reading most of the post over the past several weeks that a lot of people are upset and I understand why. Yes the 10Q is late and the stock value has dropped. But I look at it like this, management had a set back with the CFO. I think management made the correct decision by not just jumping in blind to get the 10Q filed. I am sure they researched several accountants to find one that will best fit BRVO. Have they made other mistakes of course and I am sure they will make more, but I really think they learn from their mistakes. It may not be moving as fast as we all wanted, but the company is making revenue and reducing SG&A costs. They have retired 100% of legacy debt, retired 130M shares and are working on to reduce another 90M shares. I feel 2017 will be a better year for BRVO. The stock price will increase to around $.03 within the first couple months. And I think by late summer the company will have grown more and the stock price will be around $.07 - $.10. Just try to remember that this is a fairly new company and Rome wasn’t built in a day. We are in penny land today but I feel management has bigger dreams for the future. Once the foundation is solid, this company will grow stronger and faster.

This is all my opinion on how I see things unfolding. If you don’t agree that is your choice, but ask yourself if you don’t feel the company has potential. Why stress yourself out?


Well I hope everyone has a wonderful New Year!

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