Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: Soooo...can't get any info

I will give you my $.011 opinion. I think that the people running this so called company are at a lost. IMO: The plan they thought would happen after the reverse split has failed. I think they thought they could increase the stock price and simpleton people would start buying. When that didn't work they or someone close to them bought some shares slowly to increase the share value. That has also failed because as you can see the ask and bid have a huge spread. I am sure they know they can not dump shares on the market for at least two reasons. 1. the price would drop quickly. 2. NO buyers. IMO: Any public trading company that is looking to increase the share value and was making positive revenue would not sit in the closet and allow a negative imagine to persist.

IMO: Until they are current with filings and the filings look extremely positive nothing will change. They also need to layout the business plan and be more transparent. I don't see this happening any time soon. 

Just think of this. This is a very small company will little revenue. How long can it take to crunch the numbers and file the 10Q's.

Also just look at all the facts, not the rumors. Read the filings. 

I am just hoping that they can figure out a way to pump the stockup with huge volume so I can exit. Reality, I don't think they can. The best case scenario would be to create a legit company that has a real plan that has good revenue and bring back confidence with all and future investors. IMO: that has less than a 1% chance of happening. please be cautious when reading opinions, rumors or even tweets. Filings are a better way to understand the legal performance of a company.

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