Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: Re: For the 5th time=fade
Aug 26, 2017 11:28PM
Aug 27, 2017 11:06PM

Aug 28, 2017 09:45AM

Aug 28, 2017 02:27PM

Aug 28, 2017 02:55PM
Aug 28, 2017 06:37PM
Aug 28, 2017 07:15PM
Aug 28, 2017 08:52PM

Maybe I should have been verbose in my last post. I wasn't referring to some of the topics you posted. I was not trying to keep reiterating the concerns that some shareholders feel that current management  has a lack of interest in protecting the long term investors. I for one read the filings and I am not really impressed and from the looks of things neither is the market. Yes they're making some money, but most of the money seems to be going directly in their pockets. Follow the money and see which pockets it goes in. So let me ask you a question. How many times has it been stated that we will be at $5 or higher? Don't miss interpret my post I would love to see $5 or higher, but with the current structure the way management uses incoming income. Not going to be beneficial for majority of current shareholders. You and I just see things differently. I look up at the sky and I know the sky is black. You might look up and see the sky is blue, but the fact is the sky is really black. I prefer facts!

Aug 30, 2017 10:49AM
Aug 30, 2017 03:55PM
Aug 30, 2017 04:28PM
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