Welcome To The Bravo Multinational Incorporated. HUB On AGORACOM

Bravo Multinational Incorporated. currently being restructured to include its gaming operations along with mining interests

Message: SEC ?

I doubt it.

If I had to guess they're just taking all the money from the machines and divide it between themselves. They will dump more shares when they can to purchase more machines and then pocket that money too. This why they change the format on the last 10Q so people wouldn't be able to see where all the money is really going. These guys are sca*********. 

I feel that the original plan after the 300:1 reverse split failed. So basically this is what we are stuck with. The stock price is 99.9% never going to be high, it might be pumped and dumped several times but that is about it.

The SEC I doubt will ever do anything. Even though they should, but the reality, the SEC has bigger fish to fry.

I have emailed the person that calls himself the CEO and was told to FO. I know he wouldn't say that to my face but sitting behind a screen you can act tough

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