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Message: A good read ...

Sully wrote a letter to the editor (New York Times) responding to the article "The Will to Drill". He writes:

January 20, 2011

To the Editor:

Re: “The Will to Drill,” January 16, 2011

How refreshing it was to read such a well-informed piece describing the scientific complexities of exploring for the world’s remaining undiscovered barrels of oil. Benjamin Wallace-Wells did an excellent job in helping to educate the public about some of the challenges and opportunities for exploration. With continuing technical advances combined with personal experience, smaller companies can not only participate, but also be leaders in identifying new and overlooked targets. Like Cobalt International, our company, CGX Energy, is optimistic that drilling on the other side of the Atlantic, offshore Guyana, has similar potential in a basin that the Unites States Geological Survey ranked as the second most attractive in the world with an estimated resource potential of 15.2 billion barrels of oil. Articles such as “The Will to Drill” go a long way to deepen the understanding of frontier oil exploration today.

Kerry E. Sully
President, CGX Energy Inc.
Vancouver, Canada

There is a link to the original article. It is a very good read, with direct applications to our project; I learned a lot in reading it, and thought others might enjoy it as well. You can find it here:


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