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Message: November 10, 2011 NYSSA Conference

If anyone is not completely amped up about CGX, go back and listen to this presentation. If the link below doesn't work, go to the CGX website.

November 10, 2011
NYSSA Future of Energy Investing Conference
To listen to audio click here

There are multiple targets that are not currently factored into reserves or valuations. Hermeston speaks of multiple Maastrichtian plays (one of which is close to Eagle Shallow), multiple Eagle Shallow-type targets if they hit on Eagle Shallow, as well as multiple Albian plays similar to the Inpex target and what OGX has found in the Campos Basin offshore Brazil. If CGX hits on some of the primary targets this will make you wealthy; but this will also further prove up their geological model that will provide multiple secondary targets that will make generations wealthy.

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