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Message: zibo

If I remember CGX had 40+ mil in the bank from previous PP's to finance Jaguar and then they raised 90 Mil on the last Bought Deal to finance ES.

CGX contracted out the seismic in December for Corentyne which cost I don't know how much ? (10 mil +/-).

As long as ES doesn't go way over budget like Inpex's Atikani well which I think up ended up costing 100Mil they should be OK for the cost of both wells but definatley no money left to drill other wells unless they JV or discover oil at ES or Jaguar.

If ES is dry they would probably wait out Jaguar or could do a JV in the mean time.

We are just guessing but CGX knows whats going on with both wells and if they know if they are onto pay in either well and if so money isn't an issue.

I still maintain no news is good news and the longer this takes the better. JMO

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