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Message: New Update - fwiw

New Update - fwiw

posted on Nov 03, 2008 12:10PM

11-03-08 update

Thanks to those who either submitted written questions or called into the CEO Chat from October 31, 2008. For those who have not yet listened to the show, it is available on the CMKM Radio Player on the Company website. One caller asked about progress in collecting information against the brokers. We have uncovered substantial irregularities in trading involving CMKM Diamonds. Any information that has not been released is because we are still in the process of collecting evidence on those issues. After we have completed our investigation, we will weigh our legal options.

In response to another caller's suggestion, we absolutely want our shareholders who have requested but never received their shares in certificate form to continue to pressure their brokers to DELIVER THEIR CERTIFICATES. The Company will provide a future update with a specified place to send in copies of certificates that were not previously sent into the Task Force in 2006.If you own shares of CMKM Diamonds, or of any company for that matter, you have a right to have those shares delivered to you in certificate form.

Our third caller asked about a business plan. Until we have a substantial amount of monies or assets, and not knowing what those assets or monies are, it is impossible to put together a long-term business. When the time comes, we intend to bring in people who are highly-qualified to assist us in forming our business plan. In the near term, we are doing everything possible to recoup monies that were stolen from the Company and its shareholders.

I am currently involved in a project that should bring both the story of CMKM Diamonds and the broader issue of fraud in our financial system to a national audience. It is my belief that any exposure of this massive fraud against CMKM and its shareholders will benefit the Company in its efforts to recoup lost monies and demand justice against those who perpetrated this crime.

Below is a list of questions that were addressed on the radio show, along with several that we didn't have time to answer. For expanded commentary, please listen to the broadcast. The next CEO Chat will be from 9-10 PM CST on Friday, December 5th, on Toginet.com. As a disclaimer, Toginet is providing the broadcast and sponsoring the audio player on the website free of charge.

Thanks again,
Mark Faulk, CEO

QUESTION: I would like to sell my certed shares to the brokers that are looking for them to cover. Will you please have them contact me or give me their contact info?
ANSWER: We do not have specific brokers asking to buy shares. We have had many unusual emails and requests from brokers. Regardless, it is not the Company's job to connect buyers with sellers even if we were contacted by brokers looking for shares, which has not happened. As CEO, I am required to do what's best for the Company and the shareholders' as a whole.

Q: Who is the majority shareholder in CMKX?
A: No individual or entity owns over 10 billion shares of CMKX stock.

Q: What is the O/S and A/S?
A: The O/S (Outstanding Shares) is 703,518,875,000. The A/S (Authorized Shares) is 800 billion.

Q: Who voted you into the CEO position?
A: The Board of Directors.

Q: Who is paying your salary and what is your salary?
A: I have received no salary to date, because I am working on a separate project in New York and because I don't want to be a drain on the Company's finances. At full salary, I am entitled to a salary of $10,000 per month.

Q: If the naked short issue gets resolved by being proven to be true, does any government entity pay a fee to the share holder for this violation of trust, or is our only recourse to collect back what is owed by the crooks that set us up?
A: It is highly unlikely that the SEC or any other agency will pay a fee to shareholders, but the Company will do everything within its power to recoup money stolen from shareholders.

Q: When, if ever, do you expect Urban Casavant and the other insiders that perpetrated this CRIME against us, to face indictments and prosecution? To me, the greatest crime of all is that all of them are apparently not going to suffer real, criminal punishment for what they did to us.
A: I do expect criminal charges to be filed, but I'm very disappointed that it hasn't happened already.

Q: CMKM Diamonds was purchased as an investment. So far the investment has been terrible: price has dropped to the par value, no dividends, no trading, lots of illegal activity, failure to delivers, etc. What can I expect for a return and when?
A: I can't answer that, all I can say is that we are moving forward. As I have said, this is at least for now primarily a legal play.

Q: We moved from Westbank, British Columbia to Surprise, Arizona last summer and wanted to know how we can update our address with the company. We have our certs from the official pull a couple of years ago and want to make sure we get updated information when it arises.
A: That information is on the homepage of the company website.

Q: What is CMKM's TIN (Tax ID Number) and the status of filing our tax forms with the IRS for periods 2004 through 3rd quarter 2008?
A: No company gives out their Tax ID Number. The company has filed both its 2006 and 2007 taxes. There is currently no income, so quarterly filings aren't required.

Q: When does CMKM's contract expire with the T/A, 1st Global? Is it this year? Does CMKM plan on extending that contract or moving to another T/A?
A: That contract expires at the end of November, at that time our Board of Directors will address that issue.

Q: What is the status of the Entourage lawsuit against CMKM? Is this matter currently in settlement talks?
A: We can' t comment on current litigation. We will update shareholders' on that lawsuit and all Company activities as we have definite developments.

Q: Have any of the defendants named in the 9/5/08 Texas lawsuit been served?
A: They haven't been served yet but we're moving forward on the lawsuit.

Q: Is the company able to request a TRO on Mrs. Casavant's home since it was discovered she was recently trying to sell it?
A: The house is mortgaged to the hilt and has no equitable value.

Q: What is the status of the Eaton NC lawsuit against CMKM? Is this matter currently in settlement talks?
A: We have responded to the lawsuit, and that document is available on the Company website. Attorneys are talking, but we are not currently in official settlement talks.

Q: Why hasn't a default judgment request been filed against Urban Casavant by the company? He was served via publication back in July.
A: It will be filed in the very near future.

Q: Will the board bylaws be made available soon for the shareholders to review?
A: The by-laws haven't change since 2002 in Cybermark, and have been posted on the internet many times.

Q: This statement that was posted yesterday on the website bothers me: "On the other hand, if anyone has constructive ideas as to how to move the company forward in a positive way". Does this statement imply that CMKM has no business plan to get us back to trading and now you’re looking for ideas? Isn't this the job of the advisory committee to get the company to move forward in a positive way?
A: I asked shareholders for ideas because I want all shareholders to know that we value their input.

Q: Who is Steven Brewer? What is his relationship to CMKX? Is he on the board of directors of CMKX?
A: The Company has never advised Steve Brewer on any transactions involving CMKM stock, nor is he affiliated with the company in any way. Since Urban Casavant became CEO, the Company has had absolutely no business involvement with Steven Brewer whatsoever. He is not on the BOD, the Advisory Committee, nor does he have any input into company business. I cannot answer questions involving any connection between Steven Brewer and TOGI.

Q: Can you give us an indication to when we might be back to trading? An indication to when we, as a company/shareholders, will have this behind us?
A: Any answer I give would be purely speculative, and I really don't want to mislead shareholders by speculating on something that can't realistically be answered at this time.

Q: It has come to my attention that there were possibly as many as two SEC Confidential Informants involved with CMKM Diamonds as early as 2002 or 2003. One possibly being within the Transfer Agent's office and the other possibly being Mr. Turino. If this is indeed fact, then how do you explain allowing CMKX shareholders to be in the current position that they are in? You had two or more confidential informants? Yet YOU DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop us from getting looted? First you allowed Insiders to dump unregistered shares on us and at the same time you allowed other's to naked short our company into oblivion? How do you folks intend to provide Justice to the CMKX Shareholders who were so gravely injured?
A: I have no evidence that the SEC or any other government agency had informants involved with CMKM Diamonds. If anyone has evidence to substantiate this, please send it to the Company. The Company does have documentation that the SEC was gathering information about irregularities within the company at least as early as May of 2004, well before the bulk of the shares were dumped into the market.

Q: The Company is now being influenced and financed by a group of Private Investors.
A: The Company is NOT being influenced or financed by a group of private investors. The Frizzell Law Firm or Bill Frizzell has received personal loans from certain individuals to help finance the lawsuits.

Q: You fail to tell us who these Private Investors are.
A: They have loaned money to Bill Frizzell, NOT to the company, therefore it is not company business.

Q: You fail to tell us how much money these Private Investors have invested.
A: A total of less than $500,000 has been expended to date, but our agreement is with Bill Frizzell, not private investors.

Q: You fail to tell us how much money these Private Investors will take/gain/pocket from the hard-earned money that the original group of injured, blighted, lied-to, and abused shareholders laid out for the original company -- If you can get your fat-little hands on it.
A: They will be repaid with a reasonable interest from collected monies. All repaid loans will come from Bill Frizzell's contingency fee.

Q: While you were in New York and probably a few blocks or a cab ride or bus away from Roger Glenn's office… did you meet up with him and ask him questions and if not WHY? I would think this would be your 1st priority while in New York being you called him a Crook several times on the radio show.
A: I have contacted Roger Glenn by phone from my radio show, and he hung up on me. I think that says it all. I stand by all prior comments that I have made about Roger Glenn.

Q: When will we be able to read all 191 pages of RG's deposition...?
A: Those depositions were taken by the SEC. It would be their decision to release them to the general public.

Q: Has John T. Moran III responded to any requests for documentation including any work on the interpleader?
A: Moran has refused to turn over any documents pertaining to CMKM Diamonds or the interpleader. The Company filed a complaint with the Nevada Bar Association that included compelling evidence and documentation of misconduct by John T. Moran III. The Bar Association declined to even open a file on the complaint. To our knowledge, other than a 2 page document that Kevin West put together for the interpleader, the Company has no evidence that ANY other work was conducted on behalf of the Company in regards to the interpleader.

Q: When will we have an annual shareholders’ meeting?
A: It would cost well in excess of $100,000 just to send out proxies to all shareholders, and possibly much more

Nov 12, 2008 08:54AM

Nov 13, 2008 08:05AM
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