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Message: New Shareholders Corner Update Out! 11-18-08

New Shareholders Corner Update Out! 11-18-08

posted on Nov 19, 2008 08:31AM

New Shareholders Corner Update Out! 11-18-08

A quick note to dispel recent rumors. The phrase of the week is "patently false".

First of all, concerning the recent judgment in the Rutherford lawsuit, our attorney in Las Vegas contacted the plaintiff's attorney's office and spoke with his assistant. Here is our attorney's response on the issue:

"Just called his assistant and confirmed it was not against CMKM Diamonds (only against Casavant and CMKXtreme). They said they have not received the judgment back from the court yet, which is why it has not showed up on the system to date. The online docket will often say 'All Parties' under docket entries, but that does not mean the judgment applies to all parties, just that all parties may be affected. The only Motion for Default Judgment on file (filed in May) does not include CMKM Diamonds. The electronic documents on the court's system do not yet include the recent prove up documents."

In the unlikely event the company is incorrectly named in the final default judgment, a motion to set aside the default will be promptly filed. The company’s attorney has appeared at all required settings and is prepared to defend the company against the claims made by Jay Rutherford.

Now on to the "patently false" part of the update:

Kevin West is the Chairman of the Board of CMKM Diamonds. Information posted on the message boards that he has "moved on" are patently false. Although it is true that Kevin is working primarily out of his own office, he is actively involved in all Company decisions and is in close contact with me on a daily basis. Any rumors to the contrary are patently false.

I was NOT chosen by Bill Frizzell to succeed Kevin West as CEO of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. In fact, Frizzell was not even notified of the decision until after the Board of Directors and former CEO Kevin West had offered me the position. Frizzell is the Corporate Counsel, and as such, has no involvement in the hiring or firing of Company employees.

My work with CMKM is NOT for the intention of promoting my book. If anything, I took the job against the advice of many of my closest associates and friends, who felt that it would be detrimental to my efforts to remain an objective voice for reform of our stock markets. I did it because I believed (and still believe) that I can do some good for the Company and its shareholders. Those who bash the Company and claim that we are involved out of greed or our own personal gain are entirely misguided.

My recent involvement with a project that I hope will bring widespread exposure not just to the plight of CMKM Diamonds but to the issue of stock market fraud in general is not in any way related to The Owners Group Inc. (TOGI) or to Fuego Entertainment. Anything posted implying that is patently false. It is an independent project that I was approached about because of my five years as an (entirely unpaid) advocate for stock market reform. After reading my book on the topic, the producers decided to include the CMKX story in the documentary, along with the story of my efforts on behalf of reforming our financial markets in general. Frankly, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to make the case to the film's producers that the CMKX shareholders are victims when in fact many shareholders have attacked even those who are trying to help them.

In fact, TOGI is not in any way related or involved with CMKM Diamonds. It is a fact that Bill Frizzell was originally approached by John Martin in an attempt to help CMKX shareholders before the SEC delisting hearing, and it is a fact that both are themselves CMKX shareholders, but to imply that somehow TOGI is involved with CMKM is ludicrous and patently false. They provide an outlet to air our monthly CEO Chat radio shows, completely free of charge, but that is the extent of their involvement. Period.

There has been much discussion about moneys paid to those currently working for the Company. This issue has been addressed several times, but I'll cover it once more. I have not received a single penny to date from CMKM Diamonds, Inc. The salary I was offered was $10,000 per month, but I have voluntarily deferred that salary for the time being. In fact, I'll go a step further. Because much of the groundwork has already been laid through the considerable efforts of Kevin West and Bill Frizzell, the position of CEO is not at this time, in my opinion, a full time position. Therefore, any compensation I receive will be pro-rated based on the amount of time required to perfo

any future employment agreements with others who may or may not become involved with the Company. Board of Directors and Advisory Committee members receive absolutely no payment or compensation of any kind. They have chosen to assist the Company on an entirely voluntary basis. As an active employee and Chairman of the Board, Kevin West is entitled to a partial salary.

In any event, no shareholders' money originally invested in CMKM Diamonds, Inc. is being used to pay any salaries, bills, or other costs related to running the Company. The over $250 million dollars originally invested in CMKM Diamonds, Inc. was stolen by former Company officers and insiders. On more than one occasion, on a single day, Urban Casavant gave himself and family members millions of dollars of shareholders' money. John Edwards, David DeSormeau, and many others enriched themselves to obscene degrees using the Company and shareholders' money as well. To imply that there is any comparison between the formerly involved con artists, who defrauded CMKM and its shareholders, and current individuals who are attempting to recoup money stolen from the Company is ridiculous and patently false.

My efforts for the Company will continue, as will the efforts of Kevin West, Bill Frizzell, our Board of Directors, Advisory Committee, and anyone else who has assisted the Company. The Company is moving forward. Results take time, especially when it comes to legal efforts. I am as frustrated as anyone about that simple fact, but nonetheless, it is a fact. Those who not support us are entitled to their opinions, but I repeat: this Company is moving forward. Any outlandish assumptions or misinformation that emanates from outside the Company should be assumed to be patently false unless directly confirmed by the Company itself.

The next CEO Chat will be Friday, December 5, 2008, from 9-10 AM CST at www.toginet.com All archived shows will be accessible via the CMKM Radio Player. Please send your inquiries and comments to questions@cmkmdiamondsinc.com

Mark Faulk, CEO
CMKM Diamonds, Inc.

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