you are probably right in your timeframe Roumieu.... the poor kids in the creche will have a meltdown !
Antero, bless him, seems to think that Heavy has the ability to just pull Cancana messages instead of his whole profile.... the poor lamb is wondering why heavy is absent from the DOR board too !!!!!!
Lechmeir in his infinite wisdom is wondering why there is no word from vicarage yet !!!! He seems to think that CNY should be telling RM how prospective their mine/tenure is BEFORE they actually sign over 50% of it to us..... clever boy eh?
Anyways, we are all hunkering down until the boys from Brazil sign on the dotted line and allow the subsequent events to unfold...... 43-101, Vicarage Report etc etc.....
Hopefully a couple of weeks should see us in the promised land.
Lots of stuff happening in the Mn space right now (AMY bought deal, Azure drilling in Mexico, Shaw River acquisition in Namibia etc etc) and I look forward to CNY making its big splash soon.