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Message: Re: Cancana hires Zeeka for I.R.
Dec 13, 2011 09:14PM

Thanks for posting Toasted...

I view this action by CNY as very positive.

Call it what it is...the markets are in extremely rough shape, especially for juniors. CNY has not escaped. However, what is unique here is insiders supporting operations out of pocket. Insider holdings of this company are LARGE.

CNY's story is remarkable. The potential for near term large sustainable cash flow and profit is SO close yet SO far elusive. It is embarassing to write down what potential percentage returns on this company could be. I look first at market cap ~ $8MM!! The pieces are all there, with the exception of a kicker of working capital to get this to the next level.

I continue to sink money into this on the open market. I have confidence in management. The shots on goal are there, and eventually one is going in. All they need is one to blow this wide open.

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