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Paramagnetic Beads and QL Analyser are Proprietary Products

Message: Emerging Growth Company


All of your following questions you had about Merck were all answered in the last 10K.

"An example of the type of information that I have been looking for from the company would be the results of the bead shipments to Merck's select customers for testing. But not a word on that I think.

Additionally, does Cardio and Merck still have a general intent for agreement for distribution of the beads??? Did that go south? If so, why? I realize there were encapsulation issues which complicated things a bit but...."

Read the following from the 10K all the answers are here...

"On January 19, 2009 CardioGenics Inc., one of our Canadian subsidiaries, entered into a Supply, Development & Distribution Agreement with Merck Chimie S.A.S. (“Merck Chimie”) (the “Merck Agreement”), pursuant to which CardioGenics is required to furnish Merck Chimie with certain quantities of CardioGenics’ proprietary silver-coated paramagnetic beads (the “CardioGenics Test Samples”), which Merck Chimie is then required to encapsulate, on a test-basis, using Merck Chimie’s proprietary encapsulation process. After Merck Chimie selects the best encapsulation process, Merck Chimie agreed to then establish the manufacturing parameters for the final encapsulated beads (the “Merck Encapsulated Beads”) and thereafter scale-up production for commercial distribution of the Merck Encapsulated Beads. Currently, Merck Chimie has concluded that magnetic beads encapsulated in CardioGenics meet the product specifications for commercial products. Marketing these magnetic beads has not commenced yet as both Merck Chemie and CardioGenics have not agreed on the terms of the final agreement.

Pursuant to the current executed Merck Agreement, Merck Chimie has the exclusive right, for ten (10) years, to distribute the Merck Encapsulated Beads on a worldwide basis, with CardioGenics receiving 30% of the net sales proceeds of the Merck Encapsulated Beads and Merck receiving 70% of such net sales proceeds. Merck is responsible for manufacturing and distributing the Merck Encapsulated Beads. The company is in process of renegotiating the agreement with Merck Chimie in order to ensure sale of product."

Cardiogenics files information with the SEC. It's there for stockholders to read and get answers to their questions.

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