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Message: Finra
LinkedIn Pulse Dennis O'Neill Dennis O'Neill Private Equity, Venture Capital, Investment Banking, IR, PR, 13k, 5k skill endorsements Class Action Lawsuit against the SEC, FINRA and KCG Holdings July 29, 2015 • 1,487 Views • 45 Likes • 14 Comments For those who are unaware of the systematic genocide of Micro cap and small cap stocks by criminal shorts please read this article 1st. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/bigger-than-madoff-secs-systematic-microcap-genocide-dennis-o-neill?trk=mp-reader-card There is massive collusion between the SEC, Finra and KCG Holdings that has destroyed the microcap and small cap stocks on the USA exchanges. what has actually taken place is massive systematic collusion by these entities to illegally short and kill small companies as they make billions of dollars a year in these despicable criminal activities. Just so you know what is taking place and how it is being executed is as follows. 1st we have the SEC which has oversight on these criminal actions. the SEC has purposely not prosecuted any of these criminals despite mountains of evidence . why very simply they did this through gross negligence and a conspiracy to commit large scale fraud. In this division that focuses on micro and small cap stocks they hire kids in there early 20's train them to investigate companies for violations and prosecute them for any violations and that's it. they do not train and give them any tools to track or prosecute illegal trading/shorting of these stocks. its the equivalent of sending in troops to war with zero training, guns or tactics. it's out and out gross negligence and to make matters worse they train these employees to tell everyone that complains that it's illegal to naked short and a naked short never has existed and its the insiders selling. which only makes the cover story for these crimes that much tougher to find and prosecute when the police/SEC says that there is no crimes being committed. So the SEC blatantly covers for the criminals with this story. Instead what the SEC does is launch a full out investigation into the company that is being destroyed by these illegal criminal shorts. so we end up with a company being illegally attacked, fighting for there lives and if they complain to the SEC they get investigated by the SEC instead of protected by them. the worst part is there has been over a dozen books written on this subject detailing every possible violations under the sun in minute detail and the SEC has done absolutely nothing to respond to mountains of detailed evidence of this massive whole sale scam and fraud being inflicted on the smallest and weakest companies in the market. so you would have to conclude that they think helping the criminal shorts kill thousands of companies and millions of jobs so the criminals can get rich while creating massive amounts of pain and suffering for the owners, employees and shareholders is a good business model. We don't need to fund a Government organization to help criminals lie, cheat and steal. They need to pay the price for the gross negligence and cooperating/assisting criminal shorts steal billions of dollars. FINRA according to Wikipedia is" The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority is the largest independent regulator for all securities firms doing business in the United States. FINRA's mission is to protect investors by making sure the United States securities industry operates fairly and honestly. FINRA oversees about 4,250 brokerage firms, about 162,155 branch offices and approximately 629,525 registered securities representatives" just so you know they are a independent organization(non Government/self regulatory agency) that actually assists in the criminal shorts being able to illegally short micro/smallcap stocks. They do not enforce the laws or prosecute them and they are part in parcel in helping the actual firm KCG Holdings directly in the mass genocide of micro/small cap stocks. They are out and out the criminals best friends without there assistance this massive wholesale execution of micro/small cap stocks could not take place. FINRA and KCG seems to be partners in these crimes KCG Holdings, Inc. is an American global financial services firm engaging in market making, high-frequency trading, electronic execution, and institutional sales and trading. These are the actual criminals that clear all the illegal shorts that attack and kill micro/smallcap stocks. the most ruthless, immoral, unethical trading firm in history. they allow massive amounts of illegal criminal shorts to clear through there clearing house and generally push the illegal short offshore until they kill the company. The only rule here is that once you attack a micro/small cap stock with naked shorts you have to kill them. you can not let them survive otherwise the naked short will be exposed. so the business model is to target the companies that are most vulnerable to crushing there stock. typically smaller companies that are not profitable yet and don't qualify for debt financing yet and crush there stock through massive illegal naked shorts until the company goes out of business or has to sell so many shares at such a discounted price that it dilutes the stock down to nothing. so the business model here is maximum pain and no mercy to illegally kill small companies before they have a chance to succeed. KCG and there criminal traders are making billions a year on this massive fraud and would not be allowed to do so without the complicit help of FINRA and the SEC. The only way to stop this is through a class action lawsuit which will expose them once and for all !!! also make them pay billions in restitution. You have to understand that the amount of people involved is incredible . they get all these cooperating people by saying all micro/small caps are scams and they deserve to be put through hell then killed so these criminals can make money, very similar to what Hitler did to the Jews. label them as undesirable then kill them. to add insult to injury and to ensure that all these companies will die miserable deaths they also have all kinds of new's websites that write a never ending amount of slander, insults and lies on these micro/small cap companies. Seeking Alphas anonymous writers( which are located in Israel) are the worst but there are dozens of these sites that are more than willing for a fee to attack these vulnerable companies. the cost to society is beyond immense they have killed 10s of thousands of companies illegally, millions of jobs, killed the financing sector of up and coming technologies and companies , killed the public markets or exits for these companies. There is very little to no funding for micro/small cap companies anymore because of these criminals.All so these criminals can illegally make money. It's time to put these criminals in JAIL and make them pay restitution for all the money they stole, pain and suffering that they have so easily given to so many unsuspecting companies and investors. the USA economy is suffering because the high paying jobs come from these smaller companies on the rise and now there are so few of them because of the massive systematic scheme to commit wholesale FRAUD. I am looking for a law firm that is willing to file these class action lawsuits. this is a slam dunk case . there is so much evidence it is mind boggling. There literally is dozens of books published that show blow by blow how they execute this wholesale scam. the press for the law firm will be global and will make your firm a rock star savior to all the poor companies, management and shareholders of these grossly killed companies. the worst part of all this is it's like the Italian MOB in the 50's denying its existence has been the number one problem. Once exposed and we start to prosecute all the criminals , the criminals will flip trying to cop a deal. the SEC and FINRA need to be gutted at the top levels. you cant be running the show without approving this kind of massive whole sale fraud. This is a total break down of the system and out right tragedy of Federal Governmental/self regulatory enforcement. When the criminals and the police/ federal/self regulatory agency's work as partners its really turns the whole system into massive wide spread fraud without limits. If all the people who got assaulted and robbed by this scam new what these people actually did they would hunt them down and do all kinds of violence against them. I have not exposed all the individual people involved publically because potentially they could end up possibly physically hurt or worse. so I have decided to go the Class action route opposed to publically outing them. You can't blatantly steal billions of dollars and unleash unprecedented amounts of pain, suffering and financial loss on a 100's of thousands of people without once informed, the victim's taking aggressive and violent actions against their attackers. especially when the Police/ Federal/Self regulatory agency are helping/partner's with the criminals. If you know what's taking place and are not coming forward to expose these crimes you are a criminal accomplice and will be prosecuted as such. soon there will be no where to hide. so its either you come forward now or be convicted as a FELON. LAST CHANCE.
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