Caspian Oil and Gas LTD (CIG on the London and CPOIF on the Pink sheets) is a small Australian company with major lease rights in the Fergana Basin Kyrgyz Republic. A total of 24000 sq km and a JV partner in Santos, an Australian major also owns 13% of Caspian stock. This basin is said to contain upwards of 1.2 bboe. Santos is in phase 2 of 3 and has committed $24 m (wi to 80%). The company has subsidiaries on the minerals side with good potentials, primarily in Africa (Perseus mining 21% gold in Ghana, gold in Guinea, and diamonds with DeBeers). The real kicker is its little known and gets little press. Another company just next door is Manas Petroleum with greater exposure in the US, (their acreage is only 3000 sq km) they also have a JV with Santos (wi to 80%), but Santos does not own any of their stock. So Santos is the player and likely with success will takeover the company. The outstanding shares is great at 1.1 billion ( a reverse split 20 to 1 would help) and current sp is $0.002. The web site is not pretty but functional. They also have their own rig.
I believe there is a great opportunity and I have invested in both Caspian and Manas. Add your views and do your DD. Welcome all!
note, Manas is also in this blog!