Message: Found this on the SH board...interesting

Thanks for sharing that.     I found the article quite interesting.    In particular I found this paragraph especially so:

major misconception about the group appears to be
that juniors are all "wildcat" exploration companies, in
our view a major misnomer. Many junior
companies explore for reserves next to or around previously
discovered reserves, essentially the same formula
that worked wonders for dozens of small oil exploration
companies over the past decade. Certainly some
wildcatting occurs, but for the most part exploration
programs occur in areas where at some time success
was encountered.

It certainly describes MGM's purchase of the land surrounding the La Fortuna property to a "T".    It is too bad that the website didn't describe in detail what is known about the La Fortuna property and the property in Utah.   I feel like I am only getting a "part of the overall picture".    Certainly the La Fortuna property (and its surrounding areas) affords tremendous potential for CSG in a couple or few years from now but at least in the written material nothing was mentioned of it least from what I could I tell. 

Thanks again.

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