Message: Stock Options News

Bingo! I could not have said it any better myself.

Why in the Hell are they handing out options at current market value?!!!!!!!!!! .......Aren't options supposed to be bought on the condition that they only become profitable if the stock appreciates a significant amount? ..............TOTALLY UNFAIR FOR THE REST OF US WHO ENDED UP PAYING .75, .80, and even .85 for the right to own our shares. IT IS A DAMN OUTRAGE!!! Where do I sign up to receive these 100% risk free gifts that basically grant the holders the ability to piss on their own shareholders. So naturally I'm a little bit pissed since I AM NOT ONE OF THE PRIVILIGED AND AS SUCH I HAD TO FORK OVER HARD EARNED MONEY TO OBTAIN MY SHARES AT PRICES SIGNIFICANTLY HIGHER THAN WE ARE PRICED AT NOW. (Pardon me for the caps .............frustration has a way of bringing them out.)

Where do I sign up for this financial loot? Think about it .......based on FULL DILUTION and with 1,275,000 options granted at .65 strike price the company now has to make an extra $12,750 dollars now per quarter FOR EACH PENNY EARNED PER SHARE to make up for this further dilution just thrown at us ......granted I wouldn't be complaining quite so much if the strike was based on .85 or .90. At least then they would have to work for their rewards some rather than just having it handed to them on a silver platter. WHAT GIVES??!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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