Message: What's it goina take..


I definitely like the way you think!

It amazes me to think what the possibilities could be if CSG can succeed in maintaining their production quota of 40,000 ounces by the start of 09' (and I have not heard any news to imply that they won't) AND concurrently if gold can even just "maintain its ground from here" (nevermind even further gold rises, which is also a good possibility for even more "cream") then CSG would have, in less than a year, a cash flow of over 22 million (using a VERY CONSERVATIVE $550 net cash flow per ounce). With a CURRENT market cap of less than 41 million it would represent a cash flow to market cap ratio of well over 54 percent at current price per share ...OVER 54%!!! I've never owned a stock before with such a ridiculously high cash flow/cap ratio ...none even close. (Imagine being able to go to the bank and being able to receive 54% interest! ....obviously not an ideal analogy but still not too far from the mark either.)

I sense that the market is on drugs to be trading CSG at these ridiculously low levels and with gold at 884 (last time I checked), but in the same token I can't know for sure until time and CSG's success (anticipated of course) allows me to actually laugh loudly in the end. And believe me, if and/or when it does happen I will be directing my laughs almost entirely at the market, particularly toward the losers who sold CSG at these levels.


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