Message: The other board

I hear you there. He/she/it probably is indeed either a paid basher or enjoys watching everyone else's pain. ...perhaps even the poster is even hoping to pick up some shares on the dirt cheap at 40 cents or thereabouts. The other board is good on occasion ......but in all fairness a board can only be so good when all you get is bad news and/or no news. Of course it doesn't help that the other board has its share of Bozos. First there is Sheepbaaaaa (Good grief, what a moniker from 'doofus land') ....and then there is this other guy named Triplegold comment. Heck, I even saw one of my posts copied over there without any indication whatsoever that it was written by somebody else!!! Yes .....a most dreadful, disappointing, bloody, unfair deal. All of the information about this company that I researched alongside the directors and Chester's credentials were "eye popping". But all they've done for me is pop my wallet. Only CSG can correct this ship with some positive news. But regardless this has been tough times and this is NOT AT ALL what I bargained for. Nothing but pain for me to think that I could have added to my energy holdings last fall instead.......and we all know where energy has gone this year. Nobody knows what is really going "behind the curtains" with this company ......I feel like we've all been "hung out to dry". How much cheaper can this thing get for crying out loud?!!!!!!!!! Shouldn't their reserves alone prevent us from falling much further?!!!!!!!!!?

IF these guys can't get the job done then let somebody buy us out who can get the job done!!!! Chester Millar may be a legend in leach gold mining and allowed many people under his leadership to earn a ton of money, but all I've earned is a chronic "hangover" and a significant financial loss. Things can turn around on a dime though, and I'm still figuring that will happen sometime. But anymore I'm just too disappointed to count on anything anymore. (But then I tell myself that this is a good sign that we might be near a bottom .......when the blood and disgust is everywhere. .....but perhaps wishful thinking as well. WHO KNOWS?!!)

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