Message: 23ยข pre-merger

Regardless we need some answers and some direction. The company told us that the "conflict" in Guatemala was immaterial. I want to believe that, and I do all that I can to give them benefit of the doubt. But anymore I just feel dissillusioned with a massive hole in my retirement account. Damn bastards............... Heck, even the I.R. guy told me that the report was coming out later in the week. WELL, WHERE IS IT????????????????? Did they lie about the conflict being "immaterial" also?

If I could I'd fire every one of their sorry Asses and bring in a management team that can show me some good news iand some good results instead of this never ending charade of bad news and incompetence I would do it. This is just beyond ridiculous.

But I refuse to sell because as soon as I do (the very following week) is when the stock is apt to break out and "never look back". So I continue to give them some benefit of the doubt. Anymore I don't know what to think or believe anymore. But I'd sure love to give the management team a frickin piece of my mind.

I'm hoping that someday they either relinquish themselves and if not we get some new blood in very soon. I'll do whatever I can to make that possible if this FUBAR continues on significantly longer. Perhaps we should start sending out some serious complaints to the powers to be.

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