Message: insider buying (minor) - better format

I can't help but to wonder about that too. .....6,500 shares?!!?

I mean, good grief, shouldn't this guy be worth megamillions?!! ....sort of akin to me buying 2 shares of starbucks or one share of microsoft. Yeah, I guess I better not concentrate my money too much in one spot?!!!! On another note why don't we see a lot more insider buying at these pathetically low levels? Is CSG managed by a bunch of poor people or do they have no confidence in themselves and CSG in the longterm (and hence too afraid to load up on shares)?

I'm just trying to find some "bright source of light" but all I keep seeing is 39 and 40 cent bids and 41 and 42 cent asks ....nothing short of downright nauseating to see this day in and day out.

So much promise and so much potential .........but yet so little delivered.

Let us hope that the new directors and CFO can turn this sad and disappointing embarrassment into a winner down the road. I'd rather shovel cow manure every day than to watch my money violated like this week in and week out. Living on hope at this stage ......I'm really hoping that the Q2 report and the updated reserve reports will help turn things around.

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