Message: Re: 1.20 by year end
Jun 05, 2008 06:03AM
Jun 05, 2008 06:46AM
Jun 05, 2008 10:28AM
Jun 05, 2008 12:12PM

Get the Lead out management? ...only unless they are mining that property in Nevada!!!!! ....Heck, I'd rather see management get the gold out!!! in GOLD BARS. But yeah .......I otherwise agree with your point.

It is just ridiculous 7 and 9 year old sons do a better job getting their homework in on time then this company does getting end of quarter reports out if two months of time isn't enough to compile a frickin report!!!

It is so nuts how they make us wait to hear results it is nothing short of outrageous. These guys would make us wait to jump off of a damn cliff. These guys have all the time in the world to buy cheap shares as time goes on. All they need to do is continue to do what they are doing: Be late with everything, piss off the partner in Guatemala, be slow with the reserve estimates, take your sweet, dear ole' time with ramping up production, ignore all aspects of IR and promotion, hand out more warrants, a website that is never updated .....what else am I forgetting? I'm sure there is more. But yeah least we have a good CEO now. We at least have that going for us. ...perhaps the only piece of good news I have received (other than the reassuring blurb on production in January) since I've owned this stock for the past 8 months. On the other hand though it is also why we are so undervalued and have this wonderful opportunity at present!!!!!!!

Time will reward us. Make no mistake about that. They just have to first show the world some really good news, then get the word out to the world (or the reverse of that order) ......EACH needs to be accomplished. Then, and only then, will we will be well above a buck a share. But somehow I get the feeling that management will allow this to happen only when they are ready to allow it to happen. They want to load up on shares and warrants first, I am sure. Either way, just so that it happens within a year or two.

Jun 05, 2008 03:43PM
Jun 05, 2008 05:56PM

Jun 06, 2008 04:36AM
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