Message: It's About Time

It's About Time

posted on Jun 08, 2009 03:30PM

Most of us are in agreement about the excessive spending and lack of focus on the original plan. I for one will be calling management about my opinion. Others on Agoracom with opinions should do the same.

I have been through this before (in real life) with swell headed ego maniacs who thought they were running a NYSE calibre Company. They took a beautiful, profitable small company (trading above $5) and turned it into a bankruptcy within 18 months. It happens all the time and this can happen here too when spenders exert their influence and bullshit others in management that they know everything. The time is now to express your opinions to management to stop the spending and focus on building the mine we have with the resources that we have.

I have spoken to Tom Adkins in the past and he is very receptive to speaking with shareholders. He is our go to guy. Good luck, and give us feedback please.

Jun 08, 2009 03:51PM
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