Message: Just The Facts man

Just The Facts man

posted on Jun 09, 2009 09:51AM

Thanks for the clairification as a more clear picture is emerging for me

1] If TA is the only non independant {who owns zero shares} he wants a merger regardless of price as he doesn't make any money if the share price goes up BUT he makes staggering bonuses if the company merges. Only if the share price stays down can he get his quick merger. A very large amount of our profit has been spend on M&A which is MP's assigned job but it is clear who wants the Merger & who wants share price to go up.Have We been shooting the messenger & NOT keeping our eye on the ball

2] Have we been criticising MP unfairly here? He owns & controls 4.5 mil shares. I have discovered that he is only paid buy Intac customers based upon profits {share appreciation}. So how can somebody who owns & controls so many shares not be aligned with the shareholders So if our share price doesn't rise he doesn't make any money but a share $ of 1.20 would make him another $4.5 mil dollars vs the 500k salary that he is drawing.

3] The 3rd point that has been tearing me up & nobody wants to talk about it. OUR SHARE PRICE CANNOT GREATLY APPRECIATE ON THE VENTURE. We cannot get of the venture with TA on the board as ONLY if we have a 100% independant board can we do like Capital Gold & get off this frigging exchange

4] I do not know TA & even if he is doing a good job only a quick, cheap merger will help him make a great deal of money. On the other hand a much greater share price would desuade some merger candidates. Without a 100% independant board we will be stuck on the Venture exchange for another year & our share price will remain stalled & we will as beaten up investors finally take an undervalued merger offer

5] I do agree with the majority of posters who think that our expenses are getting too high & they need to be addressed. If we spend our $ on production instead of merger, reign in spending, get off the Venture our stock will soar & then we will have many companies chasing us for a merger instaed of us spending $ chasing them. Finally a quick merger above $1.25 would likely satisfy everybody as we have already spent scads of $ chasing an elusive merger but if it's not already poised to happen then LETS' RAMP IT UP

6] I urge you all to start to look @ facts & not emotion. 2 weeks ago I felt like a lot of you but as I chased down the facts, common sense started to take over & I will now be casting my votes for people who are independant, & who like me can only win if the share price increases greatly. I will not be supporting anybody who is "non independant" that will keep us on the Venture which insures mediocracy & continue to chase a merger which will keep our share $ down


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