Message: Re: Have we struck a nerve?
Jun 10, 2009 06:37AM

Orgy: With much respect I have to say I am all for fairness

The CSG website chose to delete several posts that pointed out negativety towards TA's business shortcomings but CSG left over 8 negative personal attacks on MP posted

I protested these personal attacks via email and asked that these be removed & they refused to remove personal attacks but would not allow any opposing points of view which were not personal

That is not fairness @ all. We both have opposing views on some issues but also agree on many others. I find your posts try to stick to issues & you do try to stay away from personal attacts & I respect that

I applaud this move to Auracom as they have not "unfairly removed any posts" & mostly the personal shit has not happened here. Notice that TA announced this move & endorsement here so this appears to be a unified company decision

I do believe that we finally have a stellar team in place but like all teams formed of "allstars" they seem to be pulling in different directions. Unfortunately we need a unified team who agree on a single direction for the good of the company.

For my money I believe aligning myself with the people who have actively bought, & promoted CSG share $ for 6 years & provided monies to develop CSG when nobody else would aligns my goals with theirs

BTW I am not a TA hater @ all. I actually like him very much. We need a unified team & direction going forward, a 100% independant board to get off the Venture exchange, & a cheap merger would suit him but not me so I believe that he must go

It's just a business decision & nothing more

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