Message: OK pumpers ....keep pumping

OK pumpers ....keep pumping

posted on Jun 18, 2009 11:33AM

I have never seen CSG being pumped so dam much. I'd rather see more investors at the helm here.......

I like the news though about there being 3 significant parties being very interested ....although a part of me too remains skeptical. After investing for so long the market has a way of making even the most optimistic people into pessimists. Greed, corruption, and public companies being ran like private piggie banks is the source for my pessimism.

But just maybe this time the board will do something great. Just maybe this investment will turn profitable afterall. Only time will tell. No doubt my good buddy Burpit wants a merger or buyout .......that way the bet gets nullified and he won't owe me a thousand shares a year from now. :-) LOL

Jun 18, 2009 01:39PM
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