Message: patience

Cardinal you are EXACTLY wrong. I am also an Intac client & hold CSG both privately & thru intac. There has Never been a flow of any cash from CSG into Intac

I assure you there has ONLY been a steady flow of Intac $ into CSG fighting off hostile takovers, market downturns, & stimulating the SP when it just plain died. Intac & ALL of it's clients are heavily overweight CSG & should be thanked Not continually scorned for keeping this stock alive on so many occasions. Not 1 penny of $ has ever come from CSG to Intac

This has been a case of robbing Paul to keep Peter alive. You have been bailing out NOBODY. We are the ones with the buckets & have been for almost 6 years

Orgy. While I do respect your opinions you go to far comparing MP to Madoff. You should know better {as a former moderator} that to accuse MP of being fraudulent & indicate that he is DEFRAUDING our $ like Madoff is rediculous. Surely you know that publically slandering Intac & MP is not only imoral but very, very liablous

Remember people, even on the Internet you are FULLY & LEGALLY responsible for your damaging slander. Take it from one who knows

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