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Message: Interesting Article

Interesting Article

posted on Dec 24, 2007 01:50AM


I found this article in the Financial Post dated Dec, 14 2007,,yes it's not a new article but not everyone has acces to the Financial Post.


 B.C  TRUMPS ALBERTA    I'll summerize,

The British Columbia governement pocketed a record $1 Billion of oil and gas rights in 2007 as oil and gas companies piled into the westernmost province out of frastration with Alberta's royalty increases and excitement about two new unconventional gas plays.

 Qoute B.C Energy Minister Richard Neufeld  "we're feeling pretty good in British Columbia, B.C is underdrilled. It's a good place to invest.There are programs in place to actually encourage investment.And we want them to do it.

Alberta's numbers in contrast have collapsed, the province which is at war with it's oil industry over a 20% average increase in royalties effective in 2009, collected $673 million this year from conventional oil and gas rights down from $1.47 billion last year...and collected $650 million from oilsand rights down from $1.96 Billion last year.

Saskatchewan is another beneficiary of Alberta's government - industry  tensions as recorded a record $250 million in crown land sales.

Piere Alvarez, President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum producers said " oil and gas companies are responding to B.C's favorable terms introduced in recent years, including, credites to assist with the cost of building roads and pipelines, and royalties for unconventional gas that include a lower front end royalty until payout.

Land prices have shot up in B.C and dropped in Alberta..

Now this is relevent to CLL for 2 reasons,,

1- Cll has it's application for the Algar project in process 

The Alberta Government said they increased the royalties so the people of Alberta will get their fair share.Some people have speculated the real reason was  a deliberate attempt to slow down the overheated growth which was causing inflation and infastructure problems.. Algars approval may depend on which of the 2 reasons stated above was the governments real reason.

 If the loss of revenue to the Alberta government is as bad as the article says and they wanted the peole to get a fair share, then Algar is a done deal.. If the reason was to slow down developement then Algar may be a litlle harder to get approved at least at this point in time.

 2- CLL owns conventional production and reserves in Battrum saskatchewan. 

If Algar isn't approved then I would suspect that CLL will divert some of it's money to develope these holdings.


Have a great Holiday Season Everyone.









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