Let me just throw a thought out to you ...
Are we all idiots?
Yes, perhaps. After all, we got called on it. But look at the historical odds. Did anyone expect this to happen? Has anything like the past two weeks happened in anyone's lifetime? No. Well, maybe in some lifetimes, but not in any current investor's "investing-lifetime."
So did we get called on it? Actually, yes, I did. And I foresaw problems, but I failed to follow my own advice. I got burned slightly, or more than slightly, but at least I can recoup my losses over the next couple of years. Let me throw out a link here:
So yes, ignoring the rule of "keep your identities private," I just threw out some food for thought. Some of my thoughts in that post were a little off-base, but then again, hindsight is 20:20, and considering that I started to write that post about an hour after the Lehman PR, I don't feel too embarassed. A bit of precognizance mixed with a bit of precosiousness.
I probably should have pulled my money out of the markets that morning. I didn't - I had stuff to deal with at work. Live and learn.
But whatever. It's only money. And that's a lesson that is well-learned by all. Don't risk what you can't afford to lose.