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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Loan last year

Hi Esch

This artickle could be true but where it's all about is how fast things will go on.Now the fear of a recession is causing the commodities to fall but to me there was before to much oil on the market and now we read that even Opec steps in this will not stop the diving trend immediatly.By this it will slow down the peak moment in time.

If we stand still at current crisis which in fact no one has thought it would be that big it's clear we are in for a long time to see a recover.People are loosing jobs ,can get no credits like it was before ,are spending less then they used to etc..So the slow down in numbers we haven't seen ,but started to come out.That's why I think oil could go lower then it's now.Maybe around 50 $ .Then we finished the wave down from where the uptrend started.

Predicting the future is a funny thing.No one has thought we should see CLL at 2 this time.The oil price will be the main drive now to see a recover in sp.Before when oil was going up all oil stocks haven(t followed this trend since last year,but have followed the collapse .So if we turn then oil stocks will recover I thoink.

What will CLL do?I think it will perform in line with TSX and oil price so let's hope it can hold at his lows.

To Jurek

Yes you could be right for Q # .But don't you think because they upgraded their output it will off set somewhat the lower price.Important will be if they could achieve a steady flow at 10.000 for next year .If oil price can make a bottom and we see some recover in 2009 we could go up again.

Tomorrow we probably will see some reaction on Opec statement but I just read an artickle that analyst are convinced it will do much.

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