Yes, 20,000 is very small potatoes, but if the bigger picture is a constriction on oilsands by a US President with a 4 year term (2008 to 2012), it could make for a decrease in demand and or prices of Canadian oilsands product. To counter that my thoughts are a greater pool of customers buying Canadian oilsands oil. The only way that will happen is through pipelines to tanker terminals.
I also agree with your thoughts on the cancellation of large products leaving room for Connacher product which will help. I guess taken together with Connachers small incremental increase with Algar together with trying to get approval for the next 2 to 3 expansions at one time from the Alberta Energy Board, together with smart management still leaves me long on CLL. I just do not like what I see can happen down south and the effect that it might have on the oilsand market longer term. Connacher will still grow but I think I will try more shorter term investment strategy in which part of my Connacher portfolio (40%) will be used to buy on the lows and sell on the highs. By the way this is not shorting the stock but trying to make a profit out of a crazy market which may get crazier after tomorrow.
Talk to me in 3 to 4 months to see if it works!a