Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: $50/barrel line in the sand

CLL applied for The Great Divide Project on August 17th 2005. A quick check of the charts that
oil was trading between $50 - $65 during 2005, during that August in particular it was between $55- $60 .

When CLL was started in 2002 oil was trading in the $20-35 range, 2003 it hovered around $35, in 2004 it traded between $35-$52 a barrel.

So it could be argued that if a company starts and expands when oil is less than $35 a barrel, it only does so because it can make a profit at those prices. So CLL may not be as profitable when oil is around $50, but they're still gonna make money...

OH YES and by the way The New Alberta Royalty rates are tied to the price of a barrel of oil..Lower Price of oil, Lower Royalties...



As presented in the Alberta Government's October 25, 2007

publication "The New Royalty Framework".


WTI C$/bl


Rate on




Rate on



Below C$55 1.00% 25.00% C$ 88 5.06% 32.62%

C$ 55 1.00% 25.00% C$ 89 5.18% 32.85%

C$ 56 1.12% 25.23% C$ 90 5.31% 33.08%

C$ 57 1.25% 25.46% C$ 91 5.43% 33.31%

C$ 58 1.37% 25.69% C$ 92 5.55% 33.54%

C$ 59 1.49% 25.92% C$ 93 5.68% 33.77%

C$ 60 1.62% 26.15% C$ 94 5.80% 34.00%

C$ 61 1.74% 26.38% C$ 95 5.92% 34.23%

C$ 62 1.86% 26.62% C$ 96 6.05% 34.46%

C$ 63 1.98% 26.85% C$ 97 6.17% 34.69%

C$ 64 2.11% 27.08% C$ 98 6.29% 34.92%

C$ 65 2.23% 27.31% C$ 99 6.42% 35.15%

C$ 66 2.35% 27.54% C$ 100 6.54% 35.38%

C$ 67 2.48% 27.77% C$ 101 6.66% 35.62%

C$ 68 2.60% 28.00% C$ 102 6.78% 35.85%

C$ 69 2.72% 28.23% C$ 103 6.91% 36.08%

C$ 70 2.85% 28.46% C$ 104 7.03% 36.31%

C$ 71 2.97% 28.69% C$ 105 7.15% 36.54%

C$ 72 3.09% 28.92% C$ 106 7.28% 36.77%

C$ 73 3.22% 29.15% C$ 107 7.40% 37.00%

C$ 74 3.34% 29.38% C$ 108 7.52% 37.23%

C$ 75 3.46% 29.62% C$ 109 7.65% 37.46%

C$ 76 3.58% 29.85% C$ 110 7.77% 37.69%

C$ 77 3.71% 30.08% C$ 111 7.89% 37.92%

C$ 78 3.83% 30.31% C$ 112 8.02% 38.15%

C$ 79 3.95% 30.54% C$ 113 8.14% 38.38%

C$ 80 4.08% 30.77% C$ 114 8.26% 38.62%

C$ 81 4.20% 31.00% C$ 115 8.38% 38.85%

C$ 82 4.32% 31.23% C$ 116 8.51% 39.08%

C$ 83 4.45% 31.46% C$ 117 8.63% 39.31%

C$ 84 4.57% 31.69% C$ 118 8.75% 39.54%

C$ 85 4.69% 31.92% C$ 119 8.88% 39.77%

C$ 86 4.82% 32.15% C$ 120 9.00% 40.00%

C$ 87 4.94% 32.38% Above C$120 9.00% 40.0

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