Hi Jurek
Glad to see you back.
What is your opinion on CLL if we could see an oil price and related bitumen at average of 55 to 60 in 2009 again?Aren't the current problems they face not only to do with the low oil price.Before when we were up the 60 all was ok for CLL don't you think.IMO it's all up to the oil trend if we wil have to worry about CLL or not.
If oil trend makes a reverse from current levels the danger for CLL will slow down,if we go further down then more problems ahead though there must be a floor price for CLL as well.
We are also always talking about the cash position .But how about the cash they recieve from MRC and POD 1 ?Crack spreads can be better some time in 2009 again.So that could change the picture too or not ?
About the XIII guy.I always was some sceptical about him.He was IMO a French Canadian or an European cause he could write perfect French and English .Could be something to do with BBQ's arguements.
Also TNX to the guys who liked my comments here.Never thought I would become so popular on an overseas board.What surprised me is that we have no more Europeans here on this board cause in fact English language is in most countries the second to learn.I know on our local boards many are following CLL too but didn't post so far.But it would be great if CLL is also in the picture from countries like Germany ,France ,Netherlands etc..The more interest CLL can get the more it becomes in the spotlights.