Lynn: If your explanation is correct that the legislative powers that be in Alberta are dependent on the bureaucrats for their information regarding royalties and their impact on the economy, a few thoughts strike me.
1. Then the quality of the legislators is in dire need of upgrading in ts leaders and membership.
2. It well may be that the political leaders are playing a very dangerous game of chicken. Trusting that oil prices will revert to a tolerable level prior to the Armageddon of massive bankruptcies taking place, setting the oil sands in its entirety back several years. Or, a move of consolidation and absorption of the weaker companies by the already existing companies that are older and therefore in a state of better financial strength. None the less, this would cause some degree of delay. If this is the case, it would lend support to the potential self aggrandizement motives.
3. Is their a strong contingent of Albertans or Canadians that wish to see the oil sands fail and are represented by strong and powerful members of Parliament?
Pardon my suspicious nature. But when big money or political power are in play, I am always suspicious of personal motives.