the fact of the matter is OPEC indicated it would cut supplies,the fact is they have ,ANALysts in turn have put forward all manner of drivel indicating that oversupply outweighs any cut in SUPPLY,they put forward all manner of theorey,and the gullable investor takes the bait,aiding the slide of bbl pricing,well IMVHO the USA's strategic reserves have been replenished,so much so that Tankers were leased to amass this "mannipulaed cheap oil",well they have ammassed these inventories for a reason,that being the FACT that OPEC's cutting SUPPLY productionuntil $75.00 is reached,in my book that is a double in the making.
For me this exersise will have OPEC finnaly realizing that keeping their product in the ground will pay off handsomely going forward,I am a strong beleiver in PEAK Oil,it tells me Oil consumption has to be curtailed ,and what better way than by cutting Supply production.The present recession requires "OIL" if it is to recover ,I see a return to $150.00/bbl just as fast as the drop to sub 40's???