Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: dk_co


Please knock off the rude and sarcastic comments.

Instead of relying on dictionary definitions on which to base your investment decisions, perhaps you should instead rely on the basic concepts of accounting.

The most elementary concept in basic accounting is the following formula.

Assets = Liabilities + Shareholders' Equity

If a company finds itself in a situation where the value of its assets are less than the value of its liabilities, that means that the value of its Shareholder's Equity is less than zero. In accounting terms - it is technically bankrupt.

That same company may have many shareholders who purchased shares previously and the shares of that company might still be traded on the open market (as long as all the creditors don't demand payment at the same time).

When the time comes that a company can not pay current liabilities as they come due, a crediitor, such as a bond holder, might force the company into bankruptcy. If that should happen a bankruptcy trustee would be appointed to oversee the windup of the business. The last people to be paid would be the shareholders ,after all other claims had been paid. If there was no money left to pay the shareholders, those share certificates would not be worth the paper on which they were printed.

You continually use numbers from the most recently published financial statements in your arguments. Yurek's estimates are based on more recent, information which takes into account the rapid fluctuation in price of oil and the costs and value of production.

At the present time CLL has been going through a bad spell where they have had to take drastic action to slow down expenses while they wait for the price of oil/bitumin to increase.

Let's wait until CLL's next quarterly report to see whose view of Cll's status is closer to reality.

Until then, could we please get off this topic and keep our comments to each other polite and directed only to CLL's progress as it tries to weather this economic storm.

Thanks for your cooperation.


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