Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: On The Positive Side

You are corret Jurek it states 250,000 barrels on page 33 of the presentation. I am in error. Sorry everyone.

So Connacher should receive over $25 million dollars for Asphalt sales and the cost of the turnaround at the MRC is $17 million dollars (page 9 presentation). I don't know how much the cost of the raw feedstock is to produce the asphalt.

While we are at it Jurek you made an error on your post on the burn rate when you stated "They hope that $18 millions ESP pumps will help." Page 9 of the presentation state that $18 million was spent on POD one for 4 ESP's and drilling the 2 well pairs (11P and 12P).

Best Wishes; Scott

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