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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: With inflation here, hard assets are where to put your money

With inflation here, hard assets are where to put your money

posted on May 23, 2009 05:15PM

Jaime Carrasco of Blackmount Capital was on BNN on Friday May 22 on Market Call Tonight. He gave his analysis that we are entering a period which is leading to a high level of inflation coming over the next couple of years. He said that the interest rate on bonds is currently going up which is causing inflation. He said that inflation is also increasing due to governments printing too much money and that currency therefore will be devalued in the future in comparison to hard commodities such as mining and oil and gas. As the US dollars declines, the price of oil and gas will increase. There is also a supply crunch in oil and gas which is coming due to the lack of drilling over the last year in North America and elsewhere. He is very high on buying Canadian oil and gas companies as he calls Canadian oil risk free esentially. Especially politically risk free. Also, with the US government changing the rules next year so that foreign oil companies can count oilsands bitumen in their reserves, this is a big plus for Canadian oil. His 2nd pick on Friday was Connacher's bond issue.


In the second clip his second pick was Connacher's Bond Issue which he says that you can gain 11% on just by buying and holding it.


Henry Groppe of Groppe, Long & Littell will be on BNN on Market Call on Tuesday May 26 and he will be talking about oil & gas. Do yourself a favour and listen to him.

Best Wishes; Scott

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