This is an element which I find most frustrating in the communications practices of Gusella. The practice of telling the "obscured half truth". For once, why not just telll the plain unvarnished truth, along with what you are doing to ameliorate the situation? Does he really think that the shareholders will not be able to figure the "real" situation out? With great surety, one can bet the institutional investors will and such will be reflected in the SP. Right ater they sucker the uninformed investor. Such practice causes an extreme mistrust of Corporate communications on my part and should be of concern to every shareholder in Connacher as it demonstrates an unreliability in the efficacy, clearness and honesty of Corporate communications. Come on Dick. Stand up once and just tell the plain, unvarnished truth along with plans to ameliorate the situation. It is not really that tough and will go a long way to reestablish confidence and credibility!