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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Time Out re: Poor Production

Time Out re: Poor Production

posted on Jul 14, 2009 07:27PM

So far there has been a great deal of whining and biatching about Connacher's poor production which has lead to a number of complaints about Connacher managements running of the company over the last couple of years in a number of areas. Rebels 1 challenged all of the honourable members on this board on several occassions to categorically state what you would have done differently if you were in Connacher management's position. While it is obviously your right not to respond, to date there has been no response to Rebel 1's question by BKM8572 or anyone else with the exception of Jurek, the Connacher hub leader, who has stated what he would have done differently.

I think that it would be useful at this time to compare the record of Connacher's managment over the last year to the record of OPTI's management as they are both in the SAGD and bitumen production business in Alberta.

The following article appeared in the Calgary Herald on July 13, 2009:

"CALGARY - Opti Canada Inc., needs to show some progress at its underperforming oilsands project if its shares — down a hefty 93 per cent over the past year — are going to recover lost ground.

The company, which holds a 35 per cent stake in Nexen Inc.’s $6.1-billion Long Lake oilsands project, has had a rough year, with a long list of woes that pummeled its stock.

Those troubles included plunging oil prices, which caused once-optimistic investors to doubt the earnings power of the pure-play oilsands company. As well, in December, it was forced to sell a 15 per cent stake in the project to Nexen, raising $735 million to avoid breaching debt covenants, and cutting its holding in Long Lake from 50 per cent.

Earlier this year, Opti was incorrectly named in media reports as the subject of rumours in a trading scandal. And last month, the company diluted its outstanding shares by half in an equity issue that was initially nixed by the Toronto Stock Exchange because the new shares were priced too low.

The raft of troubles has combined with a slow start to production for the first phase at Long Lake. Technologically innovative, the project has struggled to boost the output of tar-like bitumen to its 70,000-barrel-per-day goal.

Without a better performance there, the value of Opti shares is unclear, analysts say.

“Until they deliver (on Long Lake) it is hard to foresee the market giving them much value,” said Menno Hulshof, an analyst with Dundee Securities. “As far as I can tell it’s trading at a sharp discount to the full value of Phase 1 if you believe they can actually deliver.”

Instead of the open-pit mining techniques used in most major oilsands projects, Long Lake uses thermal methods, in which it pumps steam into the ground to liquefy the tarry deposits so they can be pumped to the surface and upgraded into refinery-ready synthetic crude.

Nexen, which operates the project, has had problems generating the massive amount of steam needed, restraining output of bitumen to only about 18,000 barrels a day.

Nexen has argued these issues are typical for any new thermal project and Long Lake’s performance is in line with similar developments in the oilsands region of northern Alberta, with full production often taking two years or more to achieve.

But, lacking other operations to bolster its bottom line, Opti needs the Long Lake project to be successful if it is to offer any reward to investors.

“The biggest challenge they’ve had is that they’re a pure play,” said William Lacey, an analyst at FirstEnergy Capital. Other companies “developing a project like this have it in a broader portfolio so the focus is somewhat diminished . . . Opti has the pain of being entirely this project and any hiccup is magnified.”

Opti’s woes weren’t helped when it decided it had to issue millions of new shares last month to pay for capital expenditures and ensure it stayed onside of credit covenants. The company had wanted to issue almost 90 million new shares at $1.70 each, at a time when its existing shares were trading at $2.50.

The Toronto exchange blocked the issue, saying that because the discount was more than 20 per cent from the current share price, shareholders ought to approve the deal. That caused Opti to withdraw the offer and look to re-price the shares.

Somewhat predictably, Opti stock quickly plunged, falling 24 per cent from June 23, the day before offer was announced, and June 30, when Opti was able to revamp the offer at $1.75 a share. The company successfully placed nearly 97 million shares, diluting the outstanding stock by half.

The shares closed Friday at $1.49, down 16 cents or almost 10 per cent.

Analysts say the move may have left a host of disgruntled investors in its wake, but they credit Opti chief executive Chris Slubicki, a former investment banker, for doing what was needed to ensure the company’s survival.

“I don’t think anyone was happy about it, but people recognized it needed to get done,” Lacey said. “Chris made a tough decision.”

With that financing behind it, Opti has the chance to go forward as an operating company, subject only to the vagaries of oil prices and Long Lake’s operating issues.

“They now have enough cash in the bank to last them through the end of 2010,” Hulshof said. “But they have to do something operationally.”

© Copyright (c) The Calgary Herald
Fact One: OPTI management sold an additional 15% of the Long Lake project to Nexen in order to raise capital to avoid breaching its debt covenants. This gave Nexen 65% controlling interest in the Long Lake Project, and OPTI now retains merely 35% of the Project. Connacher on the other hand cancelled its credit facility when its bankers threatened that it would be in default of its loan covenants (on a loan that was never used) and to date Connacher retains 100% of its Great Divide Project, 100% of its Algar Project, 100% of MRCI, 100% of its natural gas production and 24% of Petrolifera.
Fact Two: OPTI wanted to issue 90 million shares at $1.70 each at a time when its shares were selling for $2.50 a share. The Toronto Exchange blocked the share issue and OPTI was forced to revise its plans and it ended up selling 97 million shares at a price of $1.75 each which ended up diluting the total number of OPTI shares in existance by half. OPTI shares sold for over $24.00 each in 2008.
Now compare this to Connacher. Connacher issued about 197 million shares for $0.90 cents each when Connacher shares were selling for between $1.40 to $1.46 per share which ended up doubling the total number of Connacher shares. Connacher shares sold for a high of $4.65 each in 2008.
Fact Three: OPTI's SAGD project is currently supposed to be producing 18,000 bbl/day of bitumen and it is currently producing 2,000 bbl/day of bitumen from its SAGD project which has a design capacity if 18,000 bbl/day of bitumen. The OPTI/Nexen upgrader was built to process 70,000 bbl/day of bitumen at present but OPTI's SAGD project is only supply around 2,000 bbl/day. In comparison Connacher's Great Divide Project has a design capacity of 10,000 bbl/day of bitumen and it is currently producing about 8,000 bbl/day of bitumen according to Connacher's press release on July 9, 2009.
http://www.connacheroil.com/documents/news2009/CLL-2009-07-09.pdf It is also ironic that Connacher is selling part of its bitumen from the Great Divide Project to the Nexen/OPTI upgrader to make up for part of the shortfall by OPTI's underperforming SAGD project at Long Lake. It is obvious that Connacher is way ahead of OPTI in terms of its % of bitumen production from its project when compared to OPTI production.
You need to compare the facts in terms of what Connacher's management team has produced when compared with one of it's competitor's management teams in real time not in terms of what should have been or could have been.
This poor production dialogue has run its course and it is getting tedious. Let's move on to a new topic..........
Best Wishes; Scott
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