Personally I am glad to see that Dick Gusella is no longer giving forward guidance on Connacher's production numbers on Pod 1. Previously in my blog on this board on October 22 I suggested that he stop giving guidance on future production as this this only serves to increase shareholders expectations which have been continually not met every time actual production numbers have been released. At that time I suggested that he stick to releasing actual production numbers only in the quarterly and year end reports.
I am glad that he appears to be adopting this idea so far. It is not too much to ask everyone to wait until the Q3 report to see Connacher's updated production numbers. Then if you are not happy you should phone in on the conference call and ask the pertinent questions that need to be asked. So far I have listened to every Connacher Conference call and not one common shareholder has phoned in to ask any questions concerning Connacher's production numbers. If you are unhappy with the production numbers next week in the Q3 Report then I respectfully suggest that you phone in on the conference call and voice your concern. Be active. Let management know your concerns.
Best Wishes; Scott