Marlboro & Jurek:
At least in my case, I do not believe that as Jurek claims, I am a pure gambler. I was trapped by the severity and rapid nature of CLL's fall. Though I fault no one but myself for not having a stop loss in place, the decline of Connacher was rapaciously swift.
At present, I continue to hold CLL. We may all regret or celebrate that decision. However, I have acted to reduce my risk with utilization of stop losses. A great deal will be determined by two factors. The short to mid-term perfidy of the market and Connachers execution with Algar.
I do believe this market is way over extended to and beyond irrationality. (yes, I remember the old saying about markets and irrationality.) It is also my belief, that we are likely in the first recovery stage of an overall depressionary long term market. If correct, then we will have several additional downdrafts and in total a serious dimunition of value to go. The question may ultimately be, will the depression be deflationary or inflationary in character. It is also possible that we might see both inflation at times and deflation in other periods.
A most interesting and enlightening academic enterprise, is the study of Kondratiev Cycles and how they affect the economy every sixty to seventy years, as well as their causes and effects. Both enlightening and educational!