Your posts puzzle me. You continually bash management and the performance of CLL. What interest do you still have in the company? Management is what it is. I doubt they are going to change. If you feel that they are so inept then why stick around You offer nothing of value to this forum anymore. Your post are getting real annoying.
I don't say this because you are just providing a pessimitic view, but because you provide a pessimitic view with no upside or value.
Can we return to discussing relevant topics?
For example, has anyone discussed how these power outages are affecting the goal of maximizing production? As you remember, the curtailment of production in March 2009 seemed to affect production levels. Before the shutdown, it appeared that design production was close to being achieved. Since the shutdown, Algar has not been able to break the 8,500 barrel level. What are the power outages doing to the pumps? Are they still able to inject steam during the outages? Are they experiencing brownouts are constant low voltage conditions? This can have a seriously damaging affect on their motors.
I'm sorry if this post is a personal attack. I just feel that you used to provide a benefit to this board. I'm not sure if you've just become so bitter that you need to take it out on something.