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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: What Happened to the 17th well pair?

In todays presentation at the Credit Suisse 2010 Global Credit Products Conference in Miami, Dick Gusella stated that simply put we haven't put steam into the 17th well pair yet simply because we don't need it yet. We will pump steam into it in good time. So it appears that the 17th well pair is alive, and good and in stanby mode until a later date.

Cameron Todd stated that while the WTI/bitumen differential has widened over the last couple of months, that he foresees it narrowing again once the Enbridge pipelines that have been shut down resume full operation. At this time he expects that the WTI/bitumen differential will narrow.

I was only able to tune in to the end of his presentation so I will try to listen to it again from the beginning tomorrow and see what new information is available.

Cheers; Scott

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