Agree on most of what you said except the rich part..1st you establish a flat tax of 10% on income that EVERYONE pays so the 50% of Americans not paying taxes start paying..NO DEDUCTIONS..Then you can put in a consumption tax so the rich will pay more taxes than the poor. Then you tax foundations, trust funds and corporations so the Super rich can't hide.. This makes the tax system fair where everyone chips in..Then you cut all services to Illegal aliens..Stop using Baseline budgeting that ensures spending always increases. As you said bring U.S forces home from all over the world especially Korea and Germany..Make it clear to EVERYONE that an attack on a country where U.S forces leave ( like Korea) will be responded to by a nuclear attack...Forget foreign oil drill there own..etc.. But this will never happen because the Super Rich are mostly on the Left and they prefer everyone else pay taxes.